Monday, February 25, 2008


can you kill one to save one thousand, then join the fraternity!


you are gonna love the premise of this one!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Emotiv to make mind-controlled games a reality by Christmas

all those years of CIA experiments have finally paid off......

i wouldn't use this thing for playing games even if you paid me!


you'll be looking like this guy after you use it

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Ahh the good old days of Panasonic's 3DO game system

But here are my only pics of the real total eclipse witnessed tonite around the world


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


"We saw a few clever products at Toy Fair 2008 designed to get kids up and active, but none so nefarious -- and cute -- as Swinxs. The "toy" is basically a talking computer with an RFID reader, that guides kids through different pre-loaded games or stories. The kids wear RFID wrist bracelets that identify them in the game, and let them interact with the machine. We heard, from a reliable source, that if kids engage in this type of "running around" in "grassy areas" they very well may die, but that's all hearsay. Once kids grow tired of the included games they can download and install more over USB, and there's a free SDK for developers to create new entertainment for Swinxs. No word on a price or release date, but hopefully we'll be seeing more of this one as time progresses."

[Editor's note: No kids have been known to die from running on the grass. Ever.]

Monday, February 11, 2008

The real deal behind isreal!

beam me up scottie!

U.S. satellite reconnaissance photo of suspected Soviet beam weapon installation near Semipalatinsk. Published July 28, 1980. (Courtesy Aviation Week & Space Technology)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Early Behind the Scenes Look at Next Bond Movie, Quantum of Solace

Archeologist revises read of ancient seal inscription

What do you think this is? or what it says?......

it's alive!!!

my first batch of homebrew made with all natural ingredients, no preservatives and a non contaminated water source......... came out better than expected.......
looks like beer, smells like beer, my goodness...i think its beer

and a decent head too........mmmmmm head...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


World Leaders Gather To Roast

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

"I was worried Mahmoud might be acquiring weapons of mass destruction, so I went to speak to his wife about what he might be packing. Based on her information, I've informed my top generals to be on the lookout for an incoming weapon that only appears in the morning, launches too early, and veers to the left." -Pervez Musharraf

"Look at all you silly assholes that came out tonight. Looks like Newsweek threw up in here. If you're all here, I wonder who's running your countries. Course, I wonder that all the time." -Vladimir Putin

"Did you catch Blair trying to pronounce 'Ahmadinejad?' I haven't seen Tony struggle with a mouthful like that since the last time Bush 'briefed him on the war effort,' if you catch my drift." -Kofi Annan

"As a Jew, it's a real hon or to be standing in front of the president of Iran. And don't worry if I die up here, Mahmoud—you can just de ny it later."
-Gilbert Gottfried

"Jesus, Mahmoud. You are one hairy bastard. You look like a gorilla got a bad toupee, a Brooks Brothers charge card, and figured out how to rig an election." -Margaret Thatcher

"It sure is great to see you here tonight in Geneva, Mahmoud--because otherwise who knows what the heck you'd be up to." -King Abdullah

Unfortunately Russell Peters wasn't there to set things straight.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

6 incredibal star forts

1. palmanova, italy (google maps / wiki)

2. bourtange, the netherlands (google maps / wiki)

3. goryokaku, japan (google maps / wiki)

4. almeida, portugal (google maps / wiki)

5. saint-martin-de-ré, france (google maps / wiki)

6. naarden, the netherlands (google maps / wiki)


my new beer label !


Russel peters was hilarious! though security was "Nazi tight" about cameras and filming, so sorry to say, i don't have any pirate footage of the show. I only have one photo.......