Tuesday, February 19, 2008


"We saw a few clever products at Toy Fair 2008 designed to get kids up and active, but none so nefarious -- and cute -- as Swinxs. The "toy" is basically a talking computer with an RFID reader, that guides kids through different pre-loaded games or stories. The kids wear RFID wrist bracelets that identify them in the game, and let them interact with the machine. We heard, from a reliable source, that if kids engage in this type of "running around" in "grassy areas" they very well may die, but that's all hearsay. Once kids grow tired of the included games they can download and install more over USB, and there's a free SDK for developers to create new entertainment for Swinxs. No word on a price or release date, but hopefully we'll be seeing more of this one as time progresses."

[Editor's note: No kids have been known to die from running on the grass. Ever.]


FilmNoir23 said...

It's bizarre...since the 1970's the "Earth" movement has been pushing a proEarth agenda and yet a societal fear of nature and traditional co-existence interaction with it seems to be at odds with itself. Kids have been sheltered since from outdoor activities via Halloween, Predators, crime, playground danger...it's all bullshit. I spent my entire childhood outdoors, and there should be NO FEAR.

sun king said...

same here...the whole thing is just another deception as usual....the whole earth/environmentalist movement is another way to keep us from enjoying who and what we really are....and you are rite..THERE SHULD BE NO FEAR...there is absolutely nothing to fear in this world, ALL terms of fear in my eyes is complete bullshit...there is nothing to fear ever...people need to learn to overcome basically nothing if you think about it....fear is nothing